I’m so glad you’re here. Allow me to introduce myself.
Hi! I’m Amanda. I’ve been a Critical Care Nurse for the last 2 years and soon I’ll begin my venture into Travel Nursing. I am also a travel enthusiast, writer, and skincare queen.
I started this blog to share my perspective as a woman of color, moving through this world unapologetically and refusing to be led by fear, in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. My goal is to be a bit vulnerable with you all, so you feel more secure in expressing yourself. I began blogging earlier this year, although I had been writing privately for years before that. I want to lead by example, to show women specifically that we do not have to be led by fear, or stay within the lines that patriarchy and society have drawn for us; that we can be “everyday” people and still feel fulfilled, beautiful, and inspired by our own lives.
So, welcome! Welcome to my page, my site, my journey. I’m so happy to be sharing it with you. And I hope you continue to follow along, because this journey is gonna be soooo dope!
Until next time!